March 22nd and March 28th
Participants: Jason, Stuart, Midori, Loretta, Cathy, Stella, Dorina, Janine)
- Those of us who gave out student surveys re inclusion last semester shared our results.
- We also discussed changes we made to our courses based on last semester’s discussions as well as what we learned at Ginsberg’s workshop this winter. Given the workshop, we talked about trying out some of the ideas from the workshop and some folks were open to visiting each others’ classes. I’ve created a google doc where we can post our teaching times, for those of us who are interested.
- Before we actually visit, though, and even if that is not logistically possible, I think we can work next time with some of Ginsberg’s ideas on Collaborative Lesson Design. Please think about how we might implement this, if you think it’s a good idea.
- We invited FIG participants (you!) to be part of the ATD Subcommittee on Teaching and Learning, which has also been exploring CRT. We met last week and, at that meeting, Chris Calienes reviewed our survey questions and said he would look into having them included in an equity survey that was being planned for students. The next subcommittee meeting will be on Monday, May 7th at 1:50 in KCTL – if you’re free, please join us!
- Also, here is the link to Ginsberg’s article which I sent around for the first meeting, for those of you who have asked.
- FInally, if you haven’t yet done it for CRT, please complete the pre-semester survey …thanks!
Next meetings: Wednesday, the 25th at 3 OR Thursday, the 26th at 11:30 – please note BOTH will be in M378, the Honor’s Lounge! Hope to see you then!